Pinout of the JTAG is as follows:
Código: Seleccionar todo
1. VCC
2. TDI
3. TMS
4. TDO
5. TCK
6. GND (it is placed to the right side of the picture)

2) Connect the cables to the USB-Blaster follow this picture from

3) Download the last UrJTAG version for Windows from here: ... 31.tar.gz
4) Decompress the file in one folder called for example UrJTAG
5) Convert the BIT file to SVF file with impact in Xillinx ISE.
Read the 2nd page of the next doc: ... pp503.pdf
6) Copy the SVF in the path of UrJTAG
7) In a terminal type:
Código: Seleccionar todo

8) type:
Código: Seleccionar todo
cable usbblaster

9) Now, we are going to program the FPGA.
Note: In my case my file is led.svf
Código: Seleccionar todo
svf led.svf progress

This procedure worked with the Logic Pano G1. It is supposed that it works with the G2 version too, but I cannot confirm it.